Grinderman 2 has been released and like it's primate fronting brother this second 'wolf' record offers the same majestic, destructive, noise creating team of four, that delivered that first raw album. Except that in this sophomore offering the band have managed to maintain that sonic ear lashing bashing, whilst also dwelling into territory that explores a broadening of the bands' sound without relinquishing the initial vitality found on Grinderman I. Tracks such as ''Worm Tamer'' deliver garage, psychedelia, whilst the sensational ''Palaces of Montezuma'' simply stands out on its own; certainly the most talked about track on the album so far. A personal highlight however is the prog-like "When my baby comes", click here to give it a listen.
The album is hopefully a sign of things to come, promising that Grinderman is not just another project for Cave but instead it will exist for many years to come, as next to the Bad Seeds' softer appraoch, Grinderman is the perfect antidote with which to rock out to, laugh and admire Ellis', Casey's, Sclavunos' & Cave's unrefined sonic creativity. (Click for: GRINDERMAN - "Star Charmer", a non LP track)
"The spinal cord of JFK...."